Why should you develop your public speaking skills?

Why should you develop your public speaking skills? Following Simon Sinek’s advice, let’s start with why. Here are 5+1 reasons:

Career advancement

Have you ever felt someone got somewhere not because of their skills/knowledge but because of how they “sold” themselves? Improving your public speaking skills helps you to show the world who you are and what you can do. Don’t let communication be a barrier. Advance your career.


Increased confidence

Are you scared of public speaking? It is horrifying for most of us at the beginning. With practice, however, the nerves can become manageable, and you can gain confidence (not only) on stage. Increase confidence.


Enhanced leadership

As a leader, you need to be listened to. To be persuasive. Learning how to deliver persuasive speeches helps you with just that. Moreover, you can use the skills you master in other business situations. Become persuasive.


Improved networking

Public speaking opens doors to getting to know people. I delivered speeches/workshops in over 15 countries and met great people, including new colleagues and friends. Expand your network.


Personal growth

You face your fear. You step out of your comfort zone. And you also get to know yourself better. You learn about yourself through how you behave on stage and the topics you decide to talk about. A journey in public speaking is also a journey of self-awareness. Know thyself.


+1 Data Communicator/Storyteller

In a Forbes article, futurist Bernard Marr argues that in 2023 and beyond, those will be successful who will be able to work with data, use technology and add to it a “human touch,” something AI can’t do (yet?). For example, data storyteller. Someone who interprets data and communicates it to other humans engagingly. Someone who makes the data accessible, memorable, and perhaps even fun. What else would prepare you for that better than public speaking?


To sum it up:

Why should you develop your public speaking skills?

  1. To advance your career.
  2. To improve your confidence.
  3. To enhance your leadership skills.
  4. To expand your network.
  5. For personal growth.

As a bonus, you can futureproof yourself and become a data storyteller.

How should you improve your public speaking skills?

Read about it here, or get in touch with me here.