How to develop public speaking skills?

How should you develop your public speaking skills? Last week I wrote about why. Simon Sinek style, let’s follow up with how. Here are 5 ways how you should, and one way how you shouldn’t:


Read books

The most obvious way of learning is through books. There are many, so it’s hard to choose. This is why I started my video series 24 Books (Not Only) for Public Speakers, where I recommend books worth reading.

Pro: affordable, you can access quality knowledge.

Con: theory without practice is not enough.


Record/re-watch yourself

The best way to see how others see you and to give yourself feedback. Yes, re-watching yourself is lame and your voice sounds weird. Everybody in public speaking went through this. You can too. 😊

Pro: Affordable. Shows you the external point of view.

Con: there is only so much feedback you can give yourself. Plus, if you record yourself alone, one important component will be missing: the audience.


Volunteer to speak

Seek out low risk speaking opportunities: storytelling nights, weekly status reports at work or events with friends/family (if they allow it).

Pro: you gain precious stage time and experience.

Con: you either don’t get feedback, or you get feedback from friends/family members who are too nice/mean to you for reasons unrelated to your speech.


Join a public speaking club

Members usually meet weekly, deliver speeches and give/receive feedback. The most known organization with clubs around the world is Toastmasters but there are other local clubs such as Speak Tea in Budapest.

Pro: You get regular stage time and regular feedback. Affordable.

Con: As members are usually not professionals, your learning will be slower than in a public speaking training. For the same reason, the feedback you receive will not be the same as feedback from a pro.


Get training

During a quality public speaking training, you learn from professionals with vast theoretical knowledge and experience; you get stage time; and you receive feedback from the trainer and the audience. An alternative to group training is a one-on-one program.

Pro: the most effective way of learning about public speaking and enhancing your skills. Con: Expensive. It is also limited in time. If you don’t practice after the program, your skills could fade.


To sum it up

To develop your public speaking skills:

✔️ read/watch videos

✔️record yourself

✔️volunteer to speak

✔️join a public speaking club

✔️get training.


There is no one perfect solution to develop public speaking skills. To maximize your learning, do all. That’s what I did. Should you wish to work with me on your public speaking skills, contact me here.


Oh, and how you shouldn’t? You shouldn’t practice in front of the mirror. Why? Read about it here.


Simon Sinek’s final step is „what”. Read about it here.😎