Toastmasters. What does it give? And what does it take away?

Recently, I gave a speech at the gala dinner for the 20th anniversary of Toastmasters in Hungary, in which I talked about what it’s like to be a member of its community. More specifically, on all the things Toastmasters gives. And the things it takes away.:)

The Toastmasters journey offers two key focus areas: public speaking and people skills. Whichever path you choose, it will cost you time ⏱️ and money 💰. Potentially a lot of both. In return, it will give you stress 😣 and disappointment 😞. But it’s worth it. Because it also gives you a chance to improve yourself. 😁

If you focus on public speaking, you will give impromptu speeches (TableTopics) and prepared speeches. Later, you might even start competing. Follow this path, and it will not be possible for you not to improve. 😉

If your focus is on people skills, you can join the club leadership, where you will work with different types of people to run and improve the club. Possibly, you will also face crises that you will have to tackle. Do this, and your people skills will improve. If you like this area, you can carry on volunteering for the organization on higher and higher levels.

Improving public speaking and people skills is nice. But it’s not the best part. My most lasting memories are the people I met throughout my journey. These memories will stay with you long after you’ve left Toastmasters.

For details and examples of those memories, check out the speech here:

Link will appear here as soon as available😊

And if you feel something like this is for you, join! If you’d like to improve your public speaking skills with me, reach out here.