Corporate humor workshop – humor and well-being

During the past couple of years many (/most? /all?) of us experienced a high number of stressful situations, sometimes even for longer periods. Under these circumstances, the importance of mental health cannot be overstated. One tool that helps you guard your mental well-being is humor. Humor not only reduces stress and anxiety but also enhances productivity and problem-solving skills. This is what a humor workshop is about.

I am happy to see that some companies realize this added value. Recently I held two humor workshops in two weeks, one in the context of a well-being month within a company. During the session, we discussed humor styles, theories, and techniques, and analyzed videos, including snippets from my speech for a European humorous speech competition. As the main event, teams of participants prepared and presented humorous mini-speeches on an otherwise unfunny topic. Based on the amount of laughter, it is safe to say that those who were there had fun. I for sure did. Use humor, and you will too. 😎

Contact me to organize a humor workshop for your company!